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The New Wine of Redemption

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Emphasizing that the Good News offers a redemption by Divine Accomplishment only.

Text: Luke 5:36-39
Date: 01/02/2022, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 46

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Luke brings his two-chapter-long discussion of the Good News to a climax with three familiar parables illustrating the uniqueness of the Gospel and why Christianity could not be built upon the foundation of the traditions of Judaism. Underlying the specifics of this confrontation between Jesus and the religious leaders of His day, lies the epic and eternal question of the nature of religion. From whence does redemption come? Is it through Divine Accomplishment? Or is it the result of human achievement? We will clearly define both of these terms and discuss how they impact the church both in Luke's day and in ours. Ultimately we will find that Luke has gone out of his way to emphasize that the true religion of Scripture, and therefore Orthodox Christianity, without question is a religion of Divine Accomplishment-- and the old, lifeless wineskins of human achievement cannot possibly hold the New Wine of Redemption!

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 5:36-39.
A. Context
1. The unveiling of the Good News.
2. The image before us.
a. The literal image.
b. The symbolic image.
3. The issue concerning fasting, Luke 5:33.
a. The abysmal state of fasting, Isa. 58:4.
b. A method of manipulation.
B. The Three parables.
1. The old and new garments, vs. 36.
a. The mechanics of the parable.
b. The lesson of the parable.
2. The old and new wineskins, vs. 37-38.
a. The mechanics of the parable.
b. The lesson of the parable, Matt. 5:17.
3. The danger of loving old wine, vs. 39.
a. The mechanics of the parable.
b. The lesson of the parable.
i. Human arrogance and self-centeredness, Gen. 3:5.
ii The deep-seated belief in human achievement.
iii. Human achievement has a seductive appeal.
C. Interpretation
1. The climax of the Good News.
a. Luke's emphasis on Divine Accomplishment.
b. A logical approach.
2. A profound imagery, Luke 2:11.
III. Application
A. An epic confrontation.
B. Dangerous to the sinner in need of redemption.
C. Worthless and lifeless as religion.
1. The danger of the old wine.
2. Expect the battle.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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