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Hello World

Our Reformed Catechism Sunday School

When: 10:15 Sunday morning.

Where: Classroom "C".    On the far side of the Fellowship hall, on your left.  Beyond the hallway that leads to the choir room, as soon as you enter the hallway to the left of the kitchen.  There are two doors to Classroom "C" on your left.

Current Study:  Reformed Catechism: The Roadmap to Biblical Christianity

Led by: Nate Dorn

Students in this class will study the contours of Biblical Christianity as understood and expressed in the Heidelberg Catechism (with some references to other reformed confessions).  The purpose of this course is to provide a foundation for a Christian view of life and the world.  The class is intended for students from 11-14 years old (5th through 8th grade) and will include in-class discussions and investigations led by the teacher as well as some outside work (memorization and Scripture study).