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Seeking Kingdom Discernment

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Learning to discern the nature of the "tree" by its "fruit".

Text: Luke 6:43-45
Date: 06/05/2022, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 63

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After warning His disciples of the dangers of straying from the words, doctrines and principles He has taught them, Jesus now shows them how to identify false teachers and their teaching. Using a simple analogy of fruit trees and thorn-bushes, He makes the point that the condition of the heart is revealed by the nature of the words and spiritual fruit that pour forth from it. We will analyze these sayings, and explore what makes one heart "good" and another heart "evil" by looking at the core Christian doctrines of justification and regeneration. But that leads us to the poignant question of how the Kingdom-Dweller will know the difference. The answer, both for ourselves and those we listen to, will reveal the necessity for disciples to constantly seek out the truth by analyzing the "fruit" and using Kingdom Discernment.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 6:43-45.
A. Context
B. The analogy of bearing fruit.
1. Introducing the analogy, vs. 43.
a. Noticing the significance of "for".
b. An "either-or" distinction.
c. The parallel in Matthew, Matt. 7:15,16.
2. Explaining and illustrating the analogy vs. 44.
a. Explaining the analogy.
b. Illustrating the analogy.
i. A simple comparison.
ii. Some Old Testament associations, Gen. 3:17-18.
3. Applying the analogy, vs. 45.
a. Learning from the language.
i. The meaning of "treasure".
ii. The source of the treasure.
iii. The abundance of treasure.
iv. The manifestation of the treasure.
b. Only two kinds of teachers, Luke 18:19.
C. Interpretation
1. Defining "justification" and "regeneration".
2. The analogy of the burning bush, Luke 20:37.
3. When God regenerates the soul.
4. The impossibility of evil fruit.
III. Application
A. Accepting the essential doctrines.
1. The dramatic change of salvation.
2. The gradual change of sanctification.
B. The evidence of salvation.
1. Discerning our own salvation.
a. Several telling signs of true conversion.
i. An obvious and enduring love for God.
ii. An obvious and enduring love for His Word.
iii. An obvious and sacrificial love for God's people.
iv. A newfound mortification of your sin.
v. The clear evidence of good fruit, Gal. 5:16-24.
b. The evidence of belief.
2. Discerning the salvation of others.
a. Being careful who you follow.
b. Applying the principle of regeneration and justification.
i. The perils of "Carnal Christianity".
ii. God is not fooled, Luke 6:45, Matt. 12:34.
iii. The need for discernment.
iv. Hope in God's covenantal promises, 1Cor. 7:14.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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