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The Preeminent Glory of Christ

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Celebrating the preeminent importance of our Lord in God's eternal plan of Redemption.

Text: Luke 9:28-36
Date: 02/26/2023, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 96

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For the second week in a row we will consider the extraordinary event known as the Transfiguration of Christ. As we learned in the last message, the Transfiguration is one of the most important revelations of Redemptive History, as God "peels back the veil" of His Son's humanity to reveal the Refulgent Shekinah of His divinity. To help us understand the far-reaching significance of this scene, God enriched it by sending two heavenly visitors, Moses and Elijah, to emphasize Christ's preeminent importance in His plan of Redemption. We will ask ourselves "why" God would ordain this great revelation, why is it so important, and for whose benefit was it arranged? Ultimately we will realize that those who follow Jesus are both obligated and privileged to give their all for the Preeminent Glory of Christ.

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I. Introduction, Col. 1:15-18.
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 9:28-36.
A. Context
1. A convergence of themes.
a. The clear divinity of Christ.
b. The shocking prediction of the Passion.
c. The impact on the apostles.
2. The Refulgent Shekinah of Christ, vs. 28-29,35.
B. The heavenly visitors, vs. 30-33.
1. The appearance of Moses and Elijah, vs. 30-31.
a. The significance of these men, vs. 30.
i. The Law and the Prophets.
1) Moses and the Law, Mal. 4:4.
2) Elijah and the prophets, 1Kings 17:24.
ii. Relationship to the coming Messiah.
1) A prophet like Moses, Gen. 3:15, Deut. 18:18.
2) A voice in the wilderness, Mal. 4:5, Isa. 40:3.
iii. Witnesses to the Shekinah.
1) Moses' shining face, Ex. 34:29.
2) Elijah's "still small voice", 1Kings 19:11-12.
iv. The significance of the relationship.
b. The preeminence of Christ, vs. 31a.
i. Preeminent in glory, Ex. 33:18-22.
ii. Preeminent over the Law and the Prophets, Matt. 5:17, 1Pet. 1:10-12.
iii. The preeminent Deliverer.
1) Moses and the Exodus, Ex. 3:10, 15:1.
2) Elijah and the prophets of Baal, 1Kings 18:1,2,18,21,39.
3) Christ, the preeminent Deliverer, Matt. 1:21.
iii. The preeminent Suffering Servant.
1) Moses and the Children of Israel, Ex. 5:21-22, 14:11.
2) Elijah and Ahab and Jezebel, 1Kings 19:10.
3) Jesus the Lamb of God, John 1:11, 7:5, Isa. 53:3.
c. The purpose of their visit, vs. 31b, Luke 9:22.
2. Peter's blunder, vs. 32-33.
a. Witnesses to glory, vs. 32.
i. Sleepy disciples, vs. 32a.
ii. A shocking but beauty-filled awakening, vs. 32b.
b. Peter's silly suggestion, vs. 33.
i. Probing the reason "why".
1) The departure of Moses and Elijah.
2) A dream come true, John 18:36.
3) Misunderstanding the revelation.
4) Speaking without thinking.
ii. Peter's earth-bound perspective.
1) Remembering Peter's first blunder, Matt. 16:23.
2) Understanding Peter's perspective.
C. God's pleasure in His Son, vs. 34-36.
1. The cloud, vs. 34.
a. Silencing Peter, vs. 34a.
b. The significance of the cloud, vs. 34b.
c. The drama of the cloud, John 2:19,21, Rev. 21:22, Luke 1:35.
d. A divine encounter, vs. 34c-35a.
2. Confirming the preeminence of the Son, vs. 35b.
a. The Son of God, Luke 3:22, Rev. 21:23.
b. The Chosen One of God, Psa. 106:23.
c. The Word of God.
3. The aftermath, vs. 36.
a. Jesus alone, vs. 36a.
b. The command for silence, vs. 36b, Matt. 17:9.
III. Application
A. The general benefit.
1. For Jesus' benefit.
2. For the benefit of the apostles.
3. For the benefit of unbelievers.
4. For the benefit of believers in all ages.
B. The benefit to the persecuted church.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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