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Setting the Bent Soul Straight

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Finding God's redemptive plan in a "living parable" of a woman's bent spine set straight.

Text: Luke 13:10-17
Date: 02/18/2024, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 138

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After the powerful teaching of the preceding chapters is concluded, Luke changes the venue and describes an encounter Jesus had while teaching on the Sabbath in one of the synagogues of Judea or Perea. Spying a woman with a horribly bent spine, He called her to Himself and healed her with a "word and a touch". Predictably, the ruler of the synagogue became indignant, ignoring the glorious act of God and pompously complaining that such healings were a desecration of the Sabbath. As we analyze this "living parable" we will realize that much more than a physical healing is being portrayed here. Just as the woman has a "bent" spine, the children of the Fall have "bent" souls that desperately need to be set straight. And just as only God can straighten a bent spine and therefore bring glory to His Sabbath, only God can straighten a bent soul through the glory of the Crosswork of His Son. Ultimately we will once again see that this is the reason Jesus came-- to seek and save the lost by setting their bent souls straight!

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 13:10-17.
A. Context
1. The "Cosmic Initiative" and spiritual warfare.
2. The idea of separation.
B. The woman with a crippling disability.
1. A "living parable", Luke 12:51.
2. Setting the scene, vs. 10-11.
a. A change in venue, vs. 10.
i. Teaching in a synagogue.
ii. On the Sabbath, Luke 6:5,11.
b. A woman with a disability, vs. 11.
i. Another interruption, vs. 11a.
ii. The woman's condition, vs. 11b.
1) A physical malady.
2) A spiritual malady.
3) A social malady, Luke 13:2.
4) A figurative malady.
2. The healing, vs. 12-13.
a. Jesus' sovereign compassion, vs. 12a.
b. Healed by a "word and a touch", vs. 12b-13a.
i. Looking at the language.
1) The healing word, Acts 5:40.
2) The healing touch, Luke 4:40, 7:7.
ii. Finding deeper meanings.
1) The woman is completely passive.
2) There is no mention of any faith.
3) The conspicuous absence of a demon, Luke 4:33-35,9:42 Mark 3:11.
c. Making the "bent" straight, vs. 13b, Heb. 12:12, Eccl. 7:13, Luke 3:4-6.
d. The right response, vs. 13c.
3. The ruler of the synagogue's indignation, vs. 14.
a. The ruler of the synagogue.
b. The ruler's indignation.
i. The reason for his indignation.
ii. His message to the worshipers, Ex. 20:8-11, Luke 4:9-11.
4. Jesus' harsh response, vs. 15-16.
a. The double standard, vs. 15.
i. The accusation of hypocrisy, Mark 7:9.
ii. The illustration of animals.
b. The human and humane rational, vs. 16.
i. The daughter of Abraham, John 8:33,39,44.
ii. The bondage of satan, 1John 3:8.
iii. The rationale for the Sabbath.
1) Jesus did not defile the Sabbath.
2) The woman did not defile the Sabbath.
5. Jesus' exalted in eyes of people, vs. 17.
III. Application
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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